The Inside Property Investing Podcast | Inspiration and advice from a decade investing in UK real estate

From HMOs to Hotel Rooms: an update from Philippa and Tom Charrier

Mike Stenhouse: Property Investor Episode 409

Six years ago, Philippa and Tom Charrier, the dynamic duo behind the Fat Properties brand, graced the IPI podcast with their presence to share the humble beginnings of their student HMO ventures in Lancaster—my old university haunt. 

About half a year later, Tom made a return appearance to drop a bombshell: he was ditching his day job to plunge headfirst into property investment. 

We dove deep into their thought process, the meticulous planning that paved the way for this bold move, and why the timing felt just right.

Fast forward to today, and it's like no time has passed at all. Though we've kept in touch and I've keenly watched their progress, it boggles my mind that it's been five whole years since our last chat. And what a ride it's been! 

The Charriers are back on the show to walk us through the rollercoaster of the last five years—how their business has evolved, the strategic shifts they've made, and the exciting new ventures beyond the realm of student housing.

In the early days, they zeroed in on a niche strategy that not only allowed them to specialize but also to build a robust income foundation to support their dreams. 

Once they hit a certain level of financial comfort and security, the world became their oyster.

They've since branched out into thrilling projects like hotel conversions, grade two listed buildings, serviced accommodations, and passion projects that still line their pockets, all while resting on a cushy financial safety net.

Whether you're just dipping your toes into the property investment waters or you're a seasoned investor contemplating your next big move, there's a treasure trove of insights waiting for you in this episode.

Interested in the world of commercial conversions? Join me on November 8th for our final, behind the scenes introduction to commercial to residential projects. 

Book your ticket now at


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